Health Assessment

Health Assessment
Helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle

Health assessment (45-49 year olds)

Entering middle age can be a turning point in your health and having a good relationship with your doctor to ensure all the relevant checks are met is important for a healthy lifestyle.

A 45-49 year old health check will mainly look into your physical, psychological and social function and assess your risks of developing chronic conditions in the future. Your doctor will ask you a series of questions related to your diet, family history, lifestyle choices, physical activity and mental health then proceed with a few basic examinations to ensure all results are within normal limits.

Health Assessment (75 years and over)

All Australians aged 75 years and over are eligible for an annual health assessment in which doctors at The Good Samaritan Medical Centre take a deeper look into some of your health issues and improve quality of life. Your doctor will address health issues such as:

Book for your health assessment with us today on (02) 9602 3418.