

Privacy Policy


Our practice is committed to preventative care. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system, please let your doctor or receptionist know.

Getting the results of any test or procedure

Your doctor will advise when they expect results to arrive at the practice. Call your doctor to find out your results and ask what they mean for your care. This practice has a strict emphasis on maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of all patients and their records. As such, reception staff will not discuss results over the phone.

Smoking policy

This practice has a no smoking policy.

Managing your file

This practice ensures all medical information is kept confidential. It is a policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure it is only available to authorised members of staff. Patients who wish to have their record transferred from this practice can make a written request. All requests are dealt with promptly to ensure your continuing care.

Management of your personal health information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain the security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles available at www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.html. Patients can request a copy of our Privacy Policy from reception.

Complaints and Feedback

This practice encourages patients to give their feedback to let us know “how we are doing”. From time to time, we invite patients to complete an anonymous survey to help us improve our services.

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the care you receive from this practice, please feel free to bring up your concerns with the doctor or receptionist so we can attempt to resolve it for you as soon as possible. If you prefer to express your concerns in writing, we have a Suggestion Box and Complaint Form available at reception. Suggestions and complaints are passed on to our practice manager, Magy who deals with all communication promptly and maintains confidentiality. Practice manager’s email: admin@thegoodsamaritan.com.au

However, if you feel there is a problem you wish to address outside of the practice, you may prefer to contact the NSW Government center responsible for handling complaints:

NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Mail Bag 18 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
1800 043 159 (Toll Free)
Email: hccc@hccc.nsw.gov.au

Social Media policy

This policy governs all of The Good Samaritan Medical Centre social media channels. The Good Samaritan Medical Centre Trust provides and oversees a variety of social media channels including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business. The practice reserves the right to remove any content at its own discretion.

The Good Samaritan Medical Centre will monitor the social media platforms regularly and aim to reply to any reviews or complaints in a timely manner.

The Good Samaritan Medical Centre Trust complies with AHPRA national law and takes reasonable steps to remove testimonials that advertise their health services (which may include comments about the practitioners themselves). The Good Samaritan Medical Centre Trust is not responsible for removing unsolicited testimonials published on a third-party website or in social media accounts over which they do not have control.

Terms and Conditions

Website use

As our website contains advertisements from time to time, we ensure any advertising complies with the Medical Board of Australia’s Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia and includes a disclaimer on any advertising which states that The Good Samaritan Medical Centre does not endorse the advertised services or products.

Telephone access

Please make any extremely urgent calls known to the receptionist as soon as telephone contact is made. Doctors in the practice may be contacted during normal opening hours. If the GP is with a patient, a message will be taken, and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the GP will return your call. In an emergency, your call will always be put through to a GP.

Fees and billing arrangements

The doctors at this practice bulk bill all patients with eligible Medicare cards. Patients without a valid Medicare card are charged a fee for their consultation.

Standard consultation: $70.00
Long consultation: $90.00
If you have any difficulty in paying our fees, please discuss it with us.